Pada akhirnya, keberhasilan integrasi STEM dalam pendidikan Indonesia akan berperan penting dalam membangun bangsa yang lebih maju, kompetitif, dan siap menghadapi tantangan global.
Daftar Pustaka:
- Baker, D., Krause, S., Purzer, Ş., & Roberts, C. (2018). “The Impact of Project-Based Learning on STEM Learning Outcomes.” Journal of Science Education and Technology, 27(3), 225–238.
- Beers, S. Z. (2011). “21st Century Skills: Preparing Students for THEIR Future.” STEM Education and Innovations, Prufrock Press.
- Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Smith, K. A. (2018). “Cooperative Learning: Improving University Instruction by Basing Practice on Validated Theory.” Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 25(3-4), 85-118.
- Wang, H. H., Moore, T. J., Roehrig, G. H., & Park, M. S. (2020). “STEM Integration: Teacher Perceptions and Practice.” Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 10(1), Article 2.
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